Dressember | Round 2
"I alone cannot change the world but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples." ~ Mother Teresa

You may or may not remember that last November I announced my participation in the Dressember campaign. Well, Winter is Coming. I mean December is coming, and so is a month of dresses for me. This coming from the girl who lives in jeans and leggings. Don't worry, those will still make appearances as well (under a dress of course). If you need a refresher, or weren't hanging around with me last year, take a look at the post HERE for more information on the ins and outs of the campaign and how WE CAN make a difference.
For 31 days I will wear a dress.

I'm going at my campaign alone this year. So, I need your help to reach my goal!! Trust me, you'll want to stick around to the end of this post to see how you can participate.
This year my Dressember closet consists of 5 dresses. All ethically sourced. All doing amazing things. Click on each link to take you directly to the site. **I am not being compensated by any of the following companies to list their items. I wear them so I want to share them with you.
Obviously, for December weather I will be adding pieces to layer with my dresses. But Texas is known for being all over the place with its temperatures so none of my dresses are too heavy. A light sweater and some boots will easily work or for those colder days: scarves, hats, leggings, and bigger jackets work too.

How can you help?
Now here's where you come in. My goal is to raise $500.00. Your donation will enter you into a drawing for a free one hour photo session. If you donate $25.00, you will be entered once. $50.00 will be entered twice. Essentially I need 20 people to donate $25.00 a piece!! Click HERE to go directly to my donation page. I've also added a link on the homepage of my site to go directly to my donation page. Don't win? $25.00 will be credited to your 2019 session with me.
The fine print:
- You must be in the state of Texas in order to be eligible to win the session (unless you're planning to travel to my neck of the woods within the required time frame).
- It can be the session of your choice (family, couple, senior) but it can only have up to 5 people in the session.
- Session must be redeemed by February 28th, 2019.
- Session cannot be transferred to anyone else.
- Unless you don't want to be entered into the drawing, don't donate anonymously.
- You may donate less than $25.00 but you will not be entered into the drawing. Maximum entries is 2.

We can make a difference. We can bring about change. No matter what dollar amount you donate, you are helping someone. Your dollar rescues victims, serves justice and restores lives. It matters.